Time Flies Create Satisfaction & Joy In Life

Time Flies don't sit and let life pass you buy

New Years memorializes the passage of time.  You gotta pay attention to time passing or it will get away from you.  Year after year of time deepens established patterns and supports good and bad habits. This year make a commitment to yourself. Organize your day to free space, then make a plan to fill the space with the stuff of satisfaction and joy in 2019

We have an unknown but finite time in this body and this life.  My Mom always said “God gave us the gift of life all our talents and abilities are meant to be utilized to learn, grow, help or serve and enjoy.”   Awareness of time helps us to prioritize and balance our efforts on these areas so we actually feel connection and satisfaction during our life.

You can start anew at any given moment. Life is just the passage of time and it’s up to you to pass it as you please.”
― Charlotte Eriksson, You’re Doing Just Fine

What elements do you need in your plan to make 2019 a joyful and satisfying year?

Learning Is Time Well Spent

Learning keeps the zest in life.   Many people are raised to think that learning stops at high school or college, but this is a huge missed opportunity.  Life Long Learning, through formal study, reading, listening to podcasts is a great treat.  Exposure to new ideas and problems to solve keeps our brain active and sharp.  We are so fortunate to live in a time with libraries and the internet. Access to learning is easy and inexpensive.

Sometimes learning is driven by need, I dove into Ayurveda and Herbalism to support my own health and recovery.  Two websites pushed me to become comfortable with WordPress and teaching online has me enjoying Zoom.  All this learning involved study, practice, failures and successes (aka the learning curve) and finally mastery at different levels. Learning without the grades is truly satisfying.

Spiritual Growth

One of the reasons to learn is to grow our spirit.  What I mean by that is to build our understanding and act from a place that says we are more than this body in this minute, we are mind body and spirit and part of a greater whole. This awareness fosters deep connection and joy. Some of the many practices that grow our spirit include appreciation, meditation, and service.  Click this link for more techniques. 


Gratitude or appreciation opens your eyes to the gifts and opportunities of this life, this is a quick easy practice that anyone can do.  Each night before you drift off to sleep, or morning before you jump out of bed, make a list and say thanks for the joys and gifts of your day.


A regular meditation practice creates space and orientation to look within rather than to follow external conditioning. Data shows it increases calm ease and connection to the whole. There are many types of meditation.  Silence is one stop on the way to the profound joy of connection.


Willing service also called Seva in the Ayurveda and yoga community is a deeply satisfying way to connect to your spirit and the spirit of others. Seva can be as simple as doing a regular chore with different mindset, helping a friend in overwhelm, to as significant as starting a charity or joining the Peace Corps. This year look for big and small opportunities to give with an open heart.

Find Enjoyment In 2019

We live in a world with all kinds of distractions which use up our time.  For 2019 I am urging myself and inviting you to spend time as the precious resource it is. Stay clear about what is important to me and brings me joy.

How about you? Design your life to find what makes you happy. Try new things.  Laugh more to balance the busyness and stress.

If nature floats your boat, get out in nature, if it is Monet, hit the local art museums.  Sing dance read sunbathe, drink tea with friends and really talk about what matters.  Life is long enough to pack in plenty of enjoyment.

For 2019 I wish you joy satisfaction and connection from a balance of learning, growing, helping and enjoyment in your life!

This blog is not a substitute for professional medical care, treatment or advice. All the material here is for learning purposes only. Always share strategy and work with your health care team.