Build Strength Make Changes To Evolve

New Resolutions To Evolve

Many people make resolutions at the start of each new year.  One of the tools we have in Ayurveda to evolve and actualize our desires is our daily routine. I use my daily routine to help me set up for success. How about you?

A resolution in itself is a succinct expression of desire. Often a wish to quit smoking, loose weight or exercise. In some cases people make these same resolution year after year. It just means you are not ready to do the work necessary to actualize real change.  Deep desire is only one of the ingredients for change.  

Move From Maintenance To Progress

Maintenance is the mode for most of us.  We scrape by and don’t add any new self- care, learning or change.  Instead this year I invite you to take good look at the habits of your life and do the work necessary to come into alignment with values and desires.

Desires don’t become reality automatically.  There may be barriers on the road from here to there. Our thinking the vrittis and habits sanskara may sit in direct opposition to our desire?  In our crowded distracted lives, how can we overcome what is and evolve?   

One deep desire I have is wellness, healthy weight, thinking and reactions. I have been a little off course lately. I need to review my daily routine and tweek things. Move into better eating and sleeping habits.

Put An Action Plan In Place

Ayurveda asks you to own your health and act in alignment of manifesting your best you.  This can be tough for some of us and me sometimes.  In overwhelm I struggle to act in alignment with my truth.  Overwhelm, fear and old habits turn me around and my self-care slips.   

Now with Ayurveda in my pocket I find my way back to a healthy baseline much more quickly. How about you?  Is the winter season a time where you can get things done.

 I find the lull after the holidays the perfect time to get clear about my desires and get disciplined about my daily routine. Why do I do this? I want to stay on target and make true progress year after year.  My desires are based on evolving my health and helping others to do the same. 

Look for space in your life to put together an action plan to walk the road to your desire. If regular exercise is your goal, put exercise into your daily routine early in the morning before the world gets involved. Start this new habit when you have some clarity, space and focus.

Find Your Motivation To Get Going


Clarify your why to help you create and maintain healthy change.  Make it short sweet and have real meaning for you.  Clear accurate assessment is essential for healthy goals and desires.

Identify Barriers

Uncover and face fears that may be blocking or sabotaging you.  Look at the habits you have that hurt your progress and develop new ones to redirect your activity


Schedule the time and help you need to travel the journey from where you are to where you want to be. Build discipline and honor your schedule, so that you succeed and feel in integrity with yourself.


Find a group of people who are on the same path.  Connect in support them and get the support you need to succeed.  If you hang with couch potatoes you hang on the couch.  Hang with walkers if your want to get fit and successful business people if you want to grow your business.


Focus on your goal for as long as it has value. Periodically review your desire and progress be sure you are heading in the right direction. We do regular reviews in business all the time, try a personal quarterly review. To grow and evolve track you effort your progress and celebrate your success.

Ayurselfcare’s purpose is to educate on the benefits of Ayurveda. This blog is not a substitute for professional medical care, treatment or advice. All the material here is for learning purposes only. Always share strategy and work with your health care team.