Healthy Daily Routine Helps Optimize Work Success

In the work force especially the service and health care industries it is easy to get overwhelmed.  Setting boundaries can be critical. Fuel your self, so you can help others. Set up your daily routine to support you, so you can be at ease and can give your best.

 “A daily routine built on good habits and disciplines separates the most successful among us from everyone else. The routine is exceptionally powerful.”

- Darren Hardy

Design Your Daily Routine To Start The Day Right

I lived an unhealthy daily routine and know the benefits of making a shift.  My day used to start with hitting the snooze button too many times, rolling out of bed, a cursory brushing of my teeth, a quick shower and drive through breakfast. I arrived at work unprepared to face my high stress work environment. My health and work performance suffered. Change was in order so I found Ayurveda to help me.

Ayurveda believes that what you do builds patterns and creates your life, that taking care of yourself in a habitual way frees you to be healthy, creative and productive. At a basic level you create your own life experience by what you do, think and feel everyday. Once I embraced this concept, the changes in habits I needed became possible. I embrace self care because it makes my life richer with more possibilities.

What does a Ayurvedic based daily routine look like?

Here is an example the details vary based on each person’s individual life and makeup.  Dinacharya, or daily routine is a platform for bringing life into balance. Everyone can benefit from some self care each day.

A healthy daily routine example

Why implement healthy daily routines?

These routines create space for productivity and enjoyment.  What daily practices do you have in place?  Check off the ones you practice, then prioritize the ones you want to engage with.  Transition gradually and get some help to get started. Put any questions in the comment section. Begin, build the muscles of thrive with a strong daily routine filled with healthy habits. Walk into work ready to get the job done.
The information provided on this blog is not a substitute for professional medical care, treatment or advice. All the material here is for information purposes only. Always share strategy and work with your health care team.