mary sullivan, Author at Ayurselfcare
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About: Mary Sullivan


Posts by Mary Sullivan:

  •  Ayurveda teaches sense care to protect valuable sense organs. Learn what I mean by sense care and why it is a crucial addition to your day here. Oil your nostrils, scrape your tongue daily are two key examples of many ways to take good care. Sensory information provides the raw material in our reality creation process. ...

  • We learn Yoga Chitta Vritti (consciousness stirred by thoughts) Nirodha (stilled) in the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.  Vrittis are fluctuations in our mind that flow across our consciousness in reaction to our experiences and feelings. The global pandemic upended how we eat, socialize, work, and think. Plugin and release pandemic thought patterns that are no...

  • I just gave an online talk about fermentation and making sauerkraut.  In my presentation, I got to share how regular probiotic food consumption has a lot of benefits. Fermented Foods are an easy way to support your health and immunity.  When you eat things like sauerkraut, you help rebuild your biome and help its diversity...

  • Bring all six tastes into holiday celebrations. Ayurveda teaches the six tastes to help balance the elements we take into our bodies through food.  I love this particular bit of Ayurvedic wisdom.   Sweet sour, salty, pungent, bitter, and astringent reminds me to choose foods to give me the tastes that balance my nature and help...

  • Thanksgiving is a food-centric holiday; typically, we get together with family, share food, catch up and watch a game. One problem with the day is too much food and Thanksgiving bloat. Ayurveda teaches, four easy steps to get out ahead of it so you feel good Thursday and Friday and beyond. I look forward to...