Balance the heat of pitta season with your choice in activity, self care practice and especially diet. Here is a recipe of a pitta balancing salad. What are your favorite foods to quench the heat of pitta season? Share in the comments below.
Summer Fennel Salad
Lime or Lemon Vineiagrette
- 2 tbsp lime juice organic fresh
- 1 clove garlic organic minced
- 1 shallot minced
- 1/2 tsp sugar
- 1/2 tsp rock salt
- 1/4 tsp black pepper dried ground
- 1/8 tsp coriander dried ground
- 1-2 tbsp olive oil organic extra virgin
Salad Ingredients
- 1 bulb fennel washed trimmed sliced thinly
- 1 small carrot washed trimmed grated
- 1/2 red onion trimmed peeled sliced thinly
- 1 cucumber peeled seeded sliced thinly
Lime vinaigrette
- Add dressing ingredients to a small bowl Drizzle oil in while mixing.
- Salt and Pepper to taste
- Mix well and set aside
- Trim and Peel cucumber. Scrape out seeds with a spoon.
- Thinly slice fennel, onion, and cucumber into a medium bowl
- Trim and peel carrot. Grate carrot into mix
- Mix and dress with lime vinaigrette Allow to rest 10 minutes before serving
- Juicer
- Mandolin
- Spoon
- Knife
- Cutting board
- Whisk
- Small bowl for dressing
- Medium Bowl for salad
Feel The Heat Of Pitta Season Starting To Burn?
In the northern hemisphere we are deep in pitta season. Now is a great time to check on if the heat of pitta is moving out of balance. If my pitta gets too high, it is often in the late summer. It kind of sneaks up on me, and heats me up and dries me out. This sets me up for a rocky vata season fall season. Modify self care and diet to cool the heat. Fennel salad is a lovely cooling summer recipe.
Make it a practice, check in on pitta and evaluate the state of balance. Take action before things get to hot and start drying out. The qualities of pitta include clear, light, hot, sharp and, oily. Pitta is a dosha a shaping force that comes from the combination of water and fire.
The watery aspect of pitta is more dominant early in the season and the fire burns hotter later in summer. Are you craving heating foods like chocolate and salsa? Do you find your focus intense working long hours and your patience lacking? This could be the effects of pitta season building in you.
It Matters if Pitta Dosha Gets Too High
So what big deal, a little extra intensity never hurt anyone right? Pitta in balance is a fabulous force, pitta peeps really know how to get things done. Some of my favorite folks on the planet have a lot of Pitta. I get motivated by hanging with pitta people. Pitta people exhibit intelligence, clarity, and focus.
But out of balance pitta generally has too much fire. Too much fire is hot, sharp and can cause excessive anger, impatience, unecessary stress, basically havoc in the work place and in life. Get out ahead of pitta, with smart choices in diet and self care to balance the effects of Pitta dosha all summer long.
Choose not to bake in the sun for hours at a time, it fuels the heat of pitta. Take it easy on yourself go for workouts walk or run in the early morning, instead of running during the mid-day sun. Sip water with lime and mint. Add cooling foods to your diet.
For more information on how imbalanced pitta may show up in your experience check this article.
Cool the potential for runaway heat in pitta season with this lovely Fennel Salad
The purpose of this post is to share and educate on Ayurveda. The information shared here is not a substitute for professional medical care, treatment or advice. All the material here is for information purposes only. Always share strategy and work with your health care team.