Nighttime Pitta You Want To Be Catching Z’s

On the doshic clock, pitta time of night is 10 pm to 2 am.  Ayurveda recommends that you go to sleep before nighttime pitta time.  Catching some Z’s as the nighttime force of pitta begins to act on your body is an important practice.  Why?

During the day, pitta turns outward, helping you focus, make decisions, learn and get things done in the world. Check here for more information on the qualities of pitta. Once you are asleep pitta turns inward for similar activities.  This is the time when your body gets to take care of business for itself.

It is well understood that lack of sleep can be detrimental to the point of deadly.  Regular sleep during pitta time is crucial because of what pitta does. Pitta is water and fire and all about transformation.  At night for your body transformation means key support and repair activities.

Nighttime Pitta Activities

  • Digest the day, impressions, activities emotions. Make sure you eat supper early enough to be digested before you hit the hay because your body will prioritze food over feelings. You need to process both
  • Heart Rate slows and gives your heart muscle a break.  At 60 to 85 beats a minute every day of your life, rest in sleep makes perfect sense to keep this muscle healthy
  • Your Immune system actively collects and clears out the trash
  • Repair and Reset the body for the next day.

For more information about the western view of the stages of sleep check this out.

Evil Second Wind

(As My Ayurveda Teacher Calls it)

If you are still awake, much after 10 pm you may feel the effects of second wind.  Don’t be fooled the evil second wind burns tomorrows energy.  Your attention and brain wake up, pitta wants to focus transform and digest.

You may find that the munchies kick in, and before you know it you are at the refrigerator, reaching for a snack, since the digestive force of pitta is looking to do its job.  Your sleep is more valuable, more restful during pitta time, after 12 am you  get lest rest for each hour of sleep.

Don’t steal from tomorrow to push the limits today. Over time this can lead to depletion and disease.  Make restful sleep a priority.  Your body will thank you in the morning when you jump out of bed at sunrise ready to engage the day.

Good pita time sleep means a great morning

Try these ideas for a great sleep during the nighttime pitta

  • Walk your dinner back ½ – 1 hour, eat early and light. Finish physical digestion is done before the night time pitta cycle begins. Close the kitchen after dinner each night.
  • Skip strenuous exercise after dinner, move in easy ways so the body’s hormones stay mellow.  Too much stress after dinner can detract from sleep and detox activities in the liver.
  • Stay off social media and computer games after dinner.
  • Consider a game, a walk, soak in the tub, meditating or reading to wind down before bed.
  • Use a dimmer and turn the lights low in the evening to remind the brain to begin to wind down.
  • Bed by 9:45 pm and go to sleep before 10PM.
  • Get up early with the sun to make the most of your day.

Ayurselfcare’s purpose is to educate on the benefits of Ayurveda. This blog is not a substitute for professional medical care, treatment or advice. All the material here is for learning purposes only. Always share strategy and work with your health care team.