Want Fruit Enjoy Ayurveda Style 5 Ways

If you want fruit, then eat fruit alone so it digests well is a guideline in Ayurveda.  It teaches food combining rules  that make them easy to digest.  Why?

Ayurveda teaches that wellness or lack of ease flows out of imbalance in who we are and what we do each day.  Digesting what we experience and what we eat fully, is a big part of the picture of health. One main digestive task is to convert food to (ahara rasa) fuel  for our body.

My teacher says Ayurveda is as much about how you eat as what you eat. Want fruit? Try eating it alone to enjoy the taste and garner the nourishment.

Living Surrounded By Orchards

I live in an area where “pick your own” apples berries, peaches and nectarines are all within a 20 minute drive.  I grew up as a kid going to orchards to pick your own and save money. If you don’t want to pick family farm stands sell delicious local fresh fruit.

As an adult I would go out into the orchards and walk and pick to relax ground and get close to nature’s growing energy.  I got to know my food and the people who grew it.  A highlight of my summer was picking fruit and coming back and to can, cook and bake with it. I started to shift the way I eat fruit after studying Ayurveda.

My Journey with Fruit Food Combining

I enjoy fruit and want fruit in my diet regularly. I stumbled over the food combining guidelines for a bunch of years. It actually made me rebel and eat badly for a little while.  Eventually my body started telling me in no uncertain terms I needed to pay attention.

The guidelines say eat fruit only with other fruit and some people say greens.    Don’t combine fruit with dairy, grain or protein, no fruit based yogurt, no strawberries on cheesecake, no peach cobbler, blueberry muffins the no list goes on . This is really a quandary for me during pitta (summer) into vata (early fall) season when local fruit is abundant.

In working to heal my gut and digestion, I decided to take a good look at the way I eat fruit. I still enjoy the farms and picking.  When I eat fruit by itself, not gussied up in a dessert, I really get to enjoy the fresh ripe taste of locally grown berries and nectarines.

Why Eat fruit Alone?

Fresh fruit breaks down quickly during digestion. Ayurveda teaches it can ferment or over digest  if it gets stuck in the middle of other foods, like proteins, fats and complex carbohydrates that digest more slowly. Fermentation in the gut can create gas and discomfort, well just unpleasantness.

When foods, fruits don’t digest properly then Ama can result. Ama is sticky waste that accumulates in our digestive tract where it can inhibit digestion and block, the absorption of nutrients and contribute to gut inflammation.

For more information on digestion and ama click this link.

Want Fruit? Five Ways to fit fruits in Ayurveda Style

Fruit fasting Day

Eat fruit for a day once in a while to lighten the load on your agni. If you want fruit enjoy it for the day. Fruit is one traditional type of fasting in Ayurveda

Fruit for breakfast

A piece of fruit or a fruit plate with seasonal fruit is a lovely way to break your fast in the morning. Try a baked apple with cinnamon and nutmeg for a warm fall morning breakfast.


Move the fruit to the front of your meal and enjoy a leisurely second course 20 or more minutes later. This can fit in for holiday celebrations where meals are the event of the day.  Think fresh fall fruit cocktail for the first course.


If you snack or have four meals a day, fruit hits the spot. Nutrient dense low sugar fruits, like berries in season are a yummy choice.  Blueberries and raspberries are in season in summer into fall. They are easy to carry to work and are way better for you than anything in the vending machine.


If you want to combine fruit with other food types go for dried fruits which digest more slowly. Throw some dried cranberries in a salad, or some dried pears in your morning oats for a more digestible choice than the fresh alternatives.  Go for organic cleanly prepared varieties or dry them yourself.

Dried dates are often used in combination with other foods like milk for rasayana (rejuvenative drink).  Dates are  have overlapping properties with milk and don’t cause problems for most people.

Remember Eating Fruit Alone Is A Guideline

Remember eating fruit alone is a guideline.  Guidelines have exceptions. Really strong digestion might blast through occasionally combining fruit with other foods.  But if you don’t have super strong digestive fire (agni) check out the food combining rules.

If you want fruit, try eating it alone check in with how you feel.  Then I invite you to eat fruit in combination and tune in.  Pay attention do you feel clear and light or congested and heavy.  Listen to your body as part of your decision on which dietary guidelines you choose to honor.

Ayurselfcare’s blog is to educate on the benefits of Ayurveda. It is not a substitute for professional medical care, treatment or advice. All the material here is for learning purposes only. Always share strategy and work with your health care team.


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