Excess Vata (force of dissipation) is often the culprit for anxiety, and Vata surges me square in the belly yesterday. I prayed for a peaceful process and a clear winner in the election before bed. My husband and I went out to vote in the morning, and I could feel my belly gurgle with waves of anxiety.
After we checked in and voted outside, I sensed my energy jaggery and vata rising. It took a few minutes to recognize my feelings as anxiety about this election and the current uncertainty of the pandemic and hope for financial recovery. My breath was shallow and a little fast. Calm down, I said to myself; you have done your part, but energy kept surging.
Take Action When Vata Surges
Vata based on air and ether can rise quickly; the sooner you take action to bring it back into balance, the better. What did I do? Balance the qualities of Vata during my day. Since I wasn’t driving; I started Pranayama (Energy control) right in the car. I try to remember that Vata responds to structure. While we traversed the beautiful back-country roads, I looked out at nature and breathed. Leaves fell, and I inhaled and exhaled, counting silently and matching my inhale and exhale in a Sama Vritti breath; when my breath was even, I moved onto the Ujjayi breath.
Next, I made a plan for my day. Vata responds to a structure and planning to care for and nourish the body, mind, and spirit. I put a special warm lunch to fuel the body on the baked Dover sole menu with dill, roasted cauliflower, sweet potatoes, and Cipollini onions dusted with salt, black pepper, parsley, and turmeric. Cooking is a structured activity that calms me down. I like to cook; it focuses my mind and is fun and productive for me. Fresh warm seasonal food is settling.
Movement Helps Vata
Energy moves up into your head when Vata gets high, so exercise and movement help you get back into your body. Physical work in the garden work was the best way I could figure out to push out any residual tension. I took down my container garden on the porch, pulled plants weeds, raked leaves and put all the pots into storage. I have some flat-leaf parsley to make into a sauce.
Watch What You Pay Attention To When Vata Is Elevated
My determination not to churn up any anxiety kept me from the news last night—no election TV for me. Instead, We had a warm moist early dinner, Kale and sweet potato soup, followed by a soak in the tub, oil in my ears and nose, and an early bedtime. Yoga Nidra is on my playlist to keep things calm as I drift off to sleep.
Pranayma To Rein Things In When Vata Surges
Breathing is mostly an unconscious activity. From our first breath, our bodies will continue until our last. Unconscious breathing reflects our state of health and relaxation. When stressed, our breathing is shallow and quick, and when relaxed, our breathing deepens and slows.
Slower, deeper breathing delivers more oxygen to our body and supports maintaining a relaxed parasympathetic state. Regular structured breathing also promotes a slower heart rate and lower blood pressure. In pranayama, we take advantage of our choice to turn our conscious mind to examine how we breathe and change it for the better.
Depending on the circumstance, I will do different forms of pranayama to reclaim calm. If nothing else, I start to slow my breath down, even it out, and drag it across the back of my throat. Before I know it, I am doing Ujjayi breath. As I relax, I invite more of my body to soften and breathe with me.
Here are three easy breaths that calm vata. Click this link for instructions for vata calming breathing options.
- Ujaii Breath
- Square Breath
- Alternate Nostril
Uncertainty fills the day; people are concerned. Pranayama invites you to gain a measure of balance, breath by breath. When Vata surges, take action add Pranayama to your routine. I do. Structured breathing is an essential element in my self-care toolbox.
Ayurselfcare’s purpose is to educate on the benefits of Ayurveda. This article is not a substitute for professional medical care, treatment, or advice. All the material here is for learning purposes only. Always share strategy and work with your health care team.