Build The Strength Of Your Terrain

Grow the strength of your terrain with healthy foods

We are in transition, a time of change, and it is bumpy.  What can we do to build our capability to adapt to the changes we all face?  Grow the strength of your terrain. A healthy transition requires Ojas (elemental immunity) and resiliency.  Flow with more ease through changes we all are facing.

In this country, we have an aging population, many of who are not sturdy or resilient.  We live in a world that distracts us from the choices that build strength and wellness.  So many people I know, including myself, are overweight, underfit, and afflicted with high blood pressure, metabolic syndrome, cancer, or autoimmunity.  COVID 19 causes more damage to older people who have compromised health. Embrace the changes you need to build or rebuild strength.

Terrain Care

Health care systems have postulated different understandings of how someone gets sick over time. People blamed early illnesses on miasmas or even black magic. Germ theory proposed by Pasteur identified microorganisms as agents of disease. An outside attack caused disease so scientists and doctors developed medicines like antibiotics to kill specific attackers. The Germ theory does not address why people can respond very differently to pathogenic exposure.

Both Ayurveda and the Terrain theory by Beauchamp suggest that our health strongly influences how we get sick. Terrain theory says pathogens only take route and grow in weak flesh.  In the Ayurvedic disease process (Samprati), excess dosha will look for and settle in a weakened area to combine with the tissue and grow. 

Terrain Care is part of healthy living. I believe that Germ theory, Terrain theory, and Ayurveda all help us maintain health and build thrive.  What I mean by that is that we are unique. Both our Prakruti (unique make-up) and Vikruti (state of imbalance) contribute to how sick we get. In our current world, we have smart bugs that can overwhelm even the healthiest among us. You need to build the strength your terrain to support a more robust response to life’s ups downs, viral infections, and get medical care when we need it.

Actions To Build The Strength Of Your Terrain

So how do you help clients or families build a robust landscape?   Ayurveda suggests that healthy digestion of food, experiences, and emotions are among the most critical things to manage. Regular movement restful sleep and ease are also part of the equation. Finally stay out of highly contagious situations

Take Care Of Your Digestion. 

You aren’t what you eat as much as what you digest.  Poor assimilation wastes most of the nutrients you put on your plate. Add foods that support a healthy biome and healthy agni (digestive fire).  Eat for physical need don’t gorge on auto-pilot.  Aim for satisfaction.  Skip the mindless nibbling to calm your nerves. 

Fill Your Meals With Essential Nutrients

Eat clean, nutrient-dense food and supplements to get the nutrients you need to stay well. Foods with the colors of the rainbow are rich in antioxidants and micro-nutrients.  Seasonal eating supports ingesting the nutrients you need over time to maintain healthy tissues and channels. If you or your health care team, feel you need extra support, go for organic whole food supplements that your body is more likely to recognize digest and utilize.

Move To Sweat Daily

Build movement into your daily activities. Morning is the place to schedule some sweat time.  Regular exercise supports healthy tissue, digestion, and detoxification.  Lack of action promotes stagnation and accumulation of toxins in the body that confuse and weaken our defenses.

Restful sleep critical to grow the strength of your terrain


Restful sleep during pitta time is when the body digests and cleans up from the events of each day so that ama does not build up.  The build-up of ama is also part of the disease process escalation. Reducing ama is essential to stay strong and build the strength of your terrain.

Orient toward Ease

Ease is the opposite of stress. Look at your stress level and actively lower it.  Stress creates mental ama and burns Ojas. Chronic low-grade fear directs our body away from healing activities. Orient your life around ease. Ease walks us back towards homeostasis which is where the body’s ability to heal itself 

Observe Social Distancing, Shelter In Place, And Medical Guidelines

Follow guidelines for others as much as yourself. Stay out of situations where a heavy loading of infectious organisms can overwhelm even the healthy person. Hours instead of minutes of exposure, multiple exposures in a short period, and highly concentrated encounters all mean lots of bugs in around you. Symptoms? Work with your health care team to address issues promptly.

One of the things I genuinely love about Ayurveda is how simple powerful practices like a daily routine, align us with our best self. Now is an opportune time to invest in your health and build the strength of your terrain with Ayurveda.

Ayurselfcare’s purpose is to educate on the benefits of Ayurveda. This article is not a substitute for professional medical care, treatment, or advice. All the material here is for learning purposes only. Always share strategy and work with your health care team.