5 Tips To Keep Snot At Bay In Fall And Winter

Stay warm Help keep snot at bay

Already carrying tissues and cough drops? The excess mucus of colds and viruses is a pain. Ayurveda suggests daily habits to keep snot at bay and sinuses clear all winter long.  In vata (fall through early winter) season there is a lot of mobility in the weather and temperature.  Sinus congestion can result and drag on through spring and making you miserable.

Just The Right Amount Of Mucus

Snot is not all bad. Healthy mucus is a gooey fluid made from specialized cells in different parts of the body to protect you.  The job of mucus is to guard against chemical attacks, block access to pathogens, and keep things moist.  Mucus is one of those things that has specialized function, and both the right amount and consistency are critical for it to do its job.  In other words too much mucus, too thick or dry mucus can cause discomfort.

Two key areas of mucus production are the digestive tract and respiratory tract. One east way to see excess mucus in the gastrointestinal tract is in your stool.  Some clear or light white mucus is normal, but if you look down into the toilet and see a lot of mucus day after day, pay attention and tell your doctor.  Too much mucus may indicate several problems.

Too much mucus, thick or dry snot in the sinuses and respiratory tract present symptoms that are tough to ignore.  Blocked breath, runny nose, sinus headache or earache, or hacking cough are uncomfortably familiar symptoms for all of us.  Check-in with your health care team to identify and eliminate infections.  Verify and address medications that promote mucus and take actions to reduce the misery of congestion with simple self-care.

5 Daily Activities To Balance The Gunas And Keep Snot At Bay

Some people get so used to being snotty they don’t realize there are options to reduce or eliminate mucus. They hide their red noses and pray for summer to come quickly. I was one of those people, but now I know better.  The gunas of mucus are wet, cold, and slimy, so take action to balance those qualities. Here are the five habits in my daily routine; I use to reduce excess mucus all winter long.

Hot Water

A mug of hot water each morning is a fabulous way to keep mucus fluid and functional.  Hot water different than tea or other nutrient drinks acts in the body to flush out waste, including excess mucus.  Sipping it warms the mouth, sinus cavity, throat, and chest loosening things up.

Upper Wash

Upper wash Is easy and quick to incorporate into your daily routine.  Neti a common term for upper wash, uses a warm salt water rinse to clear mucus out of the front sinus cavity. You can find plastic Neti pots in most drug stores, but I recommend a ceramic one for daily use with Neti sea salt and distilled water.  I keep an electric tea kettle in the bathroom that I only use for washing out my sinuses.  Here are some essential tips for upper wash.


Nasya is one of the steps in Panchakarma to remove ama from the sinuses and even help with brain detoxification. In Nasya you add oil to your nose and inhale it deeply. It took me a while to adopt Nasya, I worked my way up to it.  First I just oiled my nostrils with my pinky after using the Neti.  Then I used herbalized oil and moved on to Nasya.  Now you couldn’t talk me out of it. I love the ease of breath and mental clarity I get with herbalized oil-based Nasya.

Sweat Therapy Swedana

Sweating and movement is a great way to balance the cold and sticky qualities of mucus. Warm things up to get mucus moving with hot yoga, warm baths, and sauna time. Banish excess mucus during the winter.

Cut Back on Cold Food and Drink

Cold adds to the cold guna (quality) of mucus and makes it worse.  Minimize the frosty sources in your life during fall and winter. Simple self-care like wearing a hat, scarf, gloves, and warm boots when it is cold can help.

Ice, ask for no ice or, better yet, hot water at restaurants. Iced drinks like iced lattes, tea, coffee need to go for the winter.  Try hot tea or a warm chai instead.

Dairy, in particular, cold to frozen dairy pushes the mucus button. Ice cream, cheese, will turn on mucus making. Warming spices on Greens will help dry things out.

How do you keep snot at bay during the winter months? More suggestions to help eliminate excess mucus in your diet are listed here. Start with my five daily habits to keep snot at bay and breathe with ease all winter long.

Ayurselfcare’s purpose is to educate on the benefits of Ayurveda. This article is not a substitute for professional medical care, treatment, or advice. All the material here is for learning purposes only. Always share strategy and work with your health care team.