Working together with Mary Sullivan to heal karma will
Move you forward and upwards in your professional, personal, and spiritual life.
Shake loose emotional vulnerabilities and limitations from old injuries and overwhelming events.
Release trauma residue from previous lives and this life from your light body.
Uncover your dreams, desires, and spiritual identity (your dharma).
We All Need Karma Healing
We are all born with talents and personalities, Dharma and Karma. Karma is undigested trauma lodged in the light body. This light body illness limits living to our full potential. Light-body injury inhibits our ability to digest trauma moving forward and contributes to disease at all levels of being.
Karmic patterns are challenging to eliminate by yourself. The light body holds onto trauma residue. Karma healing will shake loose traumas of the past that dim your shine.
Karma blocks the integration of the light body with the whole and creates a veil of illusion where none truly exists. The body of light, energy, and matter lovingly commingle in our best life. Light body integration opens us to express our desire freely and live our best life with the guidance of the universal consciousness.

"We all carry a unique set of Samskaras that emanate from our light body and shape our lives." Dr. John Wyrick, founder of Nirodha Karma Healing & The Karma School
What Is Karma, And How Does It Effect You?
My training as a Karma Healer comes to me through the wisdom of Dr. John Wyrick, my teacher, and healer. Over the past few years, I have seen the power of this work raise clients’ vibration and see them break through blocks that have hindered their progress for years. Karma healing will change your life experience.
Karma has many meanings; in Sanskrit, it means action. In karma healing, it means trauma residue from this life or a past one that limits your everyday experience. When we cannot healthily process events, we experience trauma. Trauma alters our mind, body, and spirit at the moment of experience. If we can’t digest it with time and support, we become traumatized and carry injury.
Residual traumas are silent shadows that carve a small subset of who we are away from the whole. Karmas shields us from opportunities and shrinks our world. Karmas are a disease of the light body; they block the luminous expression of the soul. Karmic effects are visible in the people we know if we are on the lookout.
We All Know People Limited By Karma
I hesitate to say everyone carries undigested traumas, but most do. Maybe you have seen someone, and you think, what a rebel move; they are messing up their life. Rebel Karma may be the culprit. Comedian Robin Williams played a classic rebel named Adrian Kronauer in “Good Morning Vietnam.” Adrian blew up his career by rebelling against army rules. Rebel Karma is just one example of undigested light body residue.
Try Karma healing if you keep hitting a wall and can’t figure out how to break through. Your issue is likely to be light-body trauma. Trauma echos kick off limiting thoughts that cycle and repeat. These repetitive errant thoughts become sticky and entrenched over time (Samskaras). Limited thinking patterns and the resulting habitual behaviors shrink our reality.
Unprocessed negative patterns cause disease in the light and energy body. These Karmas shape our life and thoughts below conscious awareness. Karma healing identifies old issues and disempowers them.

The Power Of Karma Healing & Ayurveda
We all emanate our reality from subtle to gross, energetic to physical. When we heal our light bodies and remove blockages, our souls shine. Light leverages our ability to access universal support and enhances our ability to thrive. Ayurveda teaches wellness for the mind and body. Ayurveda and Karma healing are a potent combination to uplevel your health and life and experience your best self.
Karma healing identifies light body issues. You learn to recognize entrenched thought patterns manifesting karmic effects in your life and shake them loose. Free up space and shift your focus to living in Sattvicly (at the highest vibration) and following Sankalpa (light body intention).
Ayurvedic practices anchor new habits into each day. Daily practices align with nature and open you to actualizing light body intention. Begin the shift to thought patterns based on the truth. Empower yourself to actualize your potential by digesting and releasing the samskaras and karmic patterns( light body ama) that hold you down.
Karma Healing Consultation Results
Light body healing opens the door for you to act in alignment with your truth and strengths. Discover the power of the universe alive in you. Connect to your desire, develop mastery over your talents, and manifest your dreams in this world. Shine your light freely. Healing Karma unlocks increased access to Dharma (spiritual purpose), Dharma strengths, and conversions.
You and I will work together to identify keystone traumas that hold you down, underwrite your fears, and lock you into a small life. Release trauma, dissolve karma, and clear the road for progress and growth. Book an appointment now!
Working together with Mary Sullivan Karma healing sessions will enable you to
- Deepen your awareness of factors motivating you below the surface of conscious thought.
- Release dark fantasies and restrictive patterns at the level of spirit. Light body healing begins healing from consciousness & soul to body.
- Enhance your connection to light and movement where you previously were stuck in the dark.
- Uncover and connect to your spiritual purpose, your Dharma.
- Apply your unique beauty, skills, and talents in up-leveling your life.
- Recover your vitality and radiate peace and ease.