Aligning with Truth My Daily Sadhana

A Sadhana is a daily practice that connects you to your soul and divine purpose. Today I want to talk about remembering and aligning with truth as a daily practice in Ayurveda. How standing in truth and connection is a powerful tool for change.

Ayurveda gets into the simple daily nitty gritty as a way to steer the path of your life. I love that as well as the power Ayurveda gives you to promote your own wellness. Ayurveda puts you ahead of the game by examining subtle connections between thoughts feelings actions and balance to prevent disease and promote health.

Is Society Aligning With Truth

Not generally and this is a big problem that is causing separation and disruption. Ayurveda looks at this type of mistake in intellect, as one of the fundamental causes of imbalance then disease.  Imbalance in dosha in the body drives the disease process. Imbalance in the dosha in our world promotes social problems, wars and is making the planet sick.  We need to refine our focus onto truth and the long view.

I was listening to a doctor talk about using cellular microscopy to show imbalances in the cell that indicate disease potential.  He was very excited about getting ahead in the process of identifying disease.  Ayurveda takes a much longer view to identify issues in the thinking and daily actions when they are more easily addressed.

Misalignment of thinking happens in societal workplace and personal choices. The workplace is full of issues where disconnection promotes choices that look good in the moment, but cause huge problems. Aligning with truth takes place or doesn’t in decisions we make everyday.

A country decides it is more important to take care of the few than the many.  Fashion dictates 4 – 7 inch high heeled shoes that hurt people because they look fabulous. A nurse is told that she must have higher patient throughput  and compromise care or lose her job.  The Wells Fargo employees were motivated to play fast and loose with the truth with the promise of more money.  This is all the stuff of Prajaparadha and it causes disruption and disease.

How About Personal Choices

Mistake of the intellect, or Prajnaparadha is when the mind begins to see itself as separate from the field of intelligence or consciousness. In this disconnection you act out of alignment with the truth in your personal choices.

Aligning wtih Truth means managing supplements in a healthy way.

Connection With The Truth

Here is an example I am working with. Ayurveda suggests getting the nutrients you need as much as possible from food.  In recovery from Lyme I was advised to use specific supplements to support ongoing recovery. I somehow convinced and continue to convince myself it is okay to eat beyond satiety, because my supplements are more important.  I lost connection with the truth about eating and satiety.  As a consequence, I have gained weight in a way I am uncomfortable with.

Resolve to act in alignment with the truth.

My resolve is building but not yet absolute. Resolve can be undermined with positive or negative incentives An example of this is when I just throw in the towel and say I can’t figure out a way to take my supplements and not eat too much. Defeatism is the enemy of resolve. Support and reinforcement bolster resolve, so I am reaching out for help.

Act in the moment to express truth

Eat and take the nutritional supplements I need each day without overeating is the truth I want to align with.  Work as much nutrition into my diet as possible, so I can reduce supplement use.  Eating after my meal to take my pills,doesn’t work.  Eating more than I want or more than I need is acting in a way to express the lie and promote dis-ease.

Expressing truth in my actions means change. So much of this change.  I need new habits to support the truth. Set up my supplements before I serve the meal and take them as part of my meal.  Periodically throughout eating check in with my sense of satiety and have the resolve to stop eating.

The analysis is simple but the practice of change takes consistent clarity, support, resolve and discipline.  This is the sadhana of healthy living and learning. This blog is not a substitute for professional medical care, treatment or advice. All the material here is for learning purposes only. Always share strategy and work with your health care team.


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